Page 1: Tadween Publishing Tadween Publishing http://bit.ly/19Z9qh4 Arab Studies Institute http://bit.ly/sSJavr Arab Studies Journal http://bit.ly/gvACqm Jadaliyya http://bit.ly/c9jO4e FAMA http://bit.ly/1dZtCDN Quilting Point http://bit.ly/1hpXc58 Middle East Studies Program http://bit.ly/GCLARl Tadween’s Editors Network http://bit.ly/15Qe8wu TEN http://bit.ly/1hpXlFQ JADMAG http://bit.ly/1bEduqp Page 2: Table of Contents Introduction By the Editors: Beyond Dominant Narratives on the Western Sahara bit.ly/1aVGkjo Western Sahara: The Last Colony http://bit.ly/1bmCOPm The Saharan Conundrum: US Policy Between a Rock and a Hard Place http://bit.ly/1aVG3wU The Cost of Authoritarianism http://bit.ly/1aVG4RD Global Geopolitics of the Western Sahara http://bit.ly/1aVG3x5 Lost in the Debate http://bit.ly/16Dx4E5 Last Colony: A Photo Essay http://bit.ly/16DuoXd Page 4: Beyond Dominant Narratives on the Western Sahara: Introduction to the Roundtable Samia Errazzouki and Allison L. McManus argue http://bit.ly/Sf67Om Gdeim Izik http://bit.ly/GXiKeC MINURSO http://bit.ly/AvYcoK high costs for the UN http://bit.ly/kJzpDh Page 8: Western Sahara: The Last Colony Stephen Zunes demonstrations http://bit.ly/1cOa7A repression http://bit.ly/1breBsB protests http://bit.ly/1j53zf2 small victories http://bit.ly/GV0FNX securing http://bit.ly/17CUCmM hunger strike http://bit.ly/71ulXT economic justice http://bit.ly/192kiwS Page 14: Global Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Allison L. McManus waffled in its support http://bit.ly/1j53zf2 Page 16: Global Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Allison L. McManus Wikileaks cables from the Kissinger era http://bit.ly/GV1rur “the southern provinces of Morocco” http://econ.st/16HTYZs |
Maghreb and Sahel in combatting al-Qa‘ida http://bit.ly/19JcYTT recent reports http://on.cfr.org/1ckDhUP Binyam Mohamed claims he was brutally tortured http://bit.ly/19GV9Jl Page 17: Global Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Allison L. McManus some factions have recently been reported to have joined forces with AQIM http://atfp.co/ejuTOP Page 17: Lost in the Debate Samia Errazzouki argued http://nyti.ms/UQfJNd Page 18: Lost in the Debate Samia Errazzouki “Cold War conflict” http://bit.ly/1ckF7oS 2009 letter http://bit.ly/1ckFcIV “the curious relationships between the Polisario Front and AQIM” http://huff.to/tQoqfg Moroccan American Center for Policy http://bit.ly/13wv0Ls “territorial integrity” http://bit.ly/GV3z5g 1974 census http://bit.ly/16HWJKb natural resources http://bit.ly/GNRMpc canceled http://bit.ly/15gH0S1 according to reports http://reut.rs/14yBVp9 photograph taken in Gaza was miscaptioned http://bit.ly/1gECGju Page 19: Lost in the Debate Samia Errazzouki biggest demographic http://bit.ly/1fxkrOc documented http://huff.to/NuAiAM one article http://bit.ly/1ckHmZk another http://bit.ly/19GZgos Moroccan state media http://bit.ly/VPRoMu Page 20: Lost in the Debate Samia Errazzouki with the monarchies http://bit.ly/Imq0uL hosting http://nyti.ms/s47KlB expelling http://f24.my/Mzqi3k Sahara Press Service http://www.spsrasd.info/ interpreting http://bit.ly/S3UefJ Page 31: About the Authors Maghreb Page http://bit.ly/H20RIi lakome.com http://bit.ly/f845Uc www.andrewmcconnell.com http://bit.ly/cscZDk Maghreb Page http://bit.ly/H20RIi @KulchiDiAllison http://bit.ly/GZCOMv |