Abasa, Myriam, Baudouin Dupret, and Eric Denis, eds. Popular Housing and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East: Case Studies from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Cairo: AUC Press, 2012.
Al-Nakib, Farah. Kuwait Transformed: A History of Oil and Urban Life. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016.
Barak, On. On Time: Technology and Temporality in Modern Egypt. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Bayat, Asef. Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East. Cairo: AUC Press, 2009.
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella. City of Black Gold: Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of Modern Kirkuk. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019.
Bogaert, Koenraad. Globalized Authoritarianism: Megaprojects, Slums, and Class Relations in Urban Morocco. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.
Bou Akar, Hiba. For the War Yet to Come: Planning Beirut’s Frontiers. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018.
Castells, Manuel. The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach. London: Edward Arnold, 1977.
Çelik, Zeynep. Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations Algiers Under French Rule. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
Clarno, Andy. Neoliberal Apartheid: Palestine/Israel and South Africa after 1994. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.
—. The Evolving Arab City: Tradition, Modernity and Urban Development. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Elyachar, Julia. Markets of Dispossession: NGOs, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
Fields, Gary. Enclosure: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017.
Ghannam, Farha. Remaking the Modern: Space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Günel, Gökçe. Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change, and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019.
Harb, Mona, and Sami Atallah, eds. Local Governments and Public Goods: Assessing Decentralization in the Arab World. Beirut: Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, 2015.
Harvey, David. The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
Kanna, Ahmed. Dubai: The City as Corporation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin, and Ernesto Lopez-Morales, eds. Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, 2014.
Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
Lorrain, Dominique, ed. Métropoles méditerranéennes: Gouverner par les rentes. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2017.
Mitchell, Timothy. Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Peteet, Julie. Space and Mobility in Palestine. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017.
Ramos, Stephen J. Dubai Amplified. The Engineering of a Port Geography. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2010.
Drieskens, Barbara, Franck Mermier, and Heiko Wimmen, eds. Cities of The South: Citizenship and Exclusion in the Twenty-First Century. Beirut: Saqi Books, 2007.
Dumper, Michael. Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
Elsheshtawy, Yasser, ed. Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle. New York, London: Routledge, 2010.
Raymond, André. The Great Arab Cities in the 16th–18th Centuries: An Introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1984.
Saliba, Robert, ed. Urban Design in the Arab World: Reconceptualizing Boundaries. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2015.
Sassen, Saskia. Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994.
Sharp, Deen, and Claire Panetta, eds. Beyond the Square: Urbanism and the Arab Uprisings. New York: Terreform, 2016.
Sims, David. Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City Out of Control. Cairo: AUC Press, 2010.
Singerman, Diane, ed. Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space and Global Modernity. Cairo: AUC Press, 2011.
Tonkiss, Fran. Space, the City and Social Theory: Social Relations and Urban Forms. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2005.
Totah, Faedah M. Preserving the Old City of Damascus. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2014.
Weizman, Eyal. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. London: Verso Books, 2012.
Wippel, Steffen, Katrin Bromber, Christian Steiner, and Birgit Krawietz, eds. Under Construction: Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2014.
Yacobi, Haim. The Jewish-Arab City: Spatio-Politics in a Mixed Community. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Book Chapters
Abu-Lughod, Janet. “Urbanization in the Arab World and the International System.” In The Urban Transformation of the Developing World, edited by Josef Gugler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
De Certeau, Michel. “Walking in the City.” In The Practice of Everyday Life, 91–110. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
Genberg, Daniel. “Borders and Boundaries in Post-war Beirut.” In Urban Ethnic Encounters: The Spatial Consequences, edited by Aygen Erdentug and Freek Colombijn, 81–96. London: Routledge, 2002.
Graham, Stephen. “Constructing Urbicide by Bulldozer in the Occupied Territories,” In Cities, War, and Terrorism: Towards an Urban Geopolitics, edited by Stephen Graham, 192–213. London: Blackwell, 2004.
Kanna, Ahmed. “Main Trends in Contemporary Urban Studies of the Middle East and North Africa.” In A Research Agenda for Cities, edited by John Rennie Short, 233–48. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.
Sennett, Richard. “The Classic Schools of Urban Studies: An Introduction.” In Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities, edited by Richard Sennett, 1–19. New York: Meredith Corporation, 1969.
Stadnicki, Roman. “Urban Activism in Egypt: Emergence and Trajectories since the 2011 Revolution.” In Divercities: Competing Narratives and Urban Practices in Beirut, Cairo, and Tehran, ed- ited by Monique Bellan and Nadia von Maltzahn. Beirut: Orient Institut Beirut, 2015.
Verdeil, Éric, and Joe Nasr. “Planning Histories in the Arab World.” In The Routledge Handbook of Planning History, edited by Carola Hein, 271–85. London: Routledge, 2017.
Journal Articles
Abourahme, Nasser, and Omar Jabary-Salamanca. “Thinking Against the Sovereignty of the Concept: A Conversation with Timothy Mitchell.” City 20, no. 5 (2016): 737–754.
Akgün, Aliye Ahu, and Tüzin Baycan. “Gated Communities in Istanbul: The New Walls of the City.” Town Planning Review 83, no. 1 (2012): 87–109.
Al-Nakib, Farah. “Kuwait’s Modern Spectacle: Oil Wealth and the Making of a New Capital City, 1950–90.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33, no. 1 (2013): 7–25.
Barthel, Pierre-Arnaud, ed. Special issue, “Arab Mega-Projects,” Built Environment 36, no. 2 (2010).
Boegaert, Koenraad. “New State Space Formation in Morocco: The Example of the Bouregreg Valley.” Urban Studies 49, no. 2 (2011): 255–270.
Bou Akar, Hiba. “Contesting Beirut’s Frontiers.” City and Society 24, no. 2 (2012): 150–172.
Elsheshtawy, Yasser. “Transitory Sites: Mapping Dubai’s ‘Forgotten’ Urban Spaces.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32, no. 4 (2008): 968–88.
Fahmi, Wael Salah. “The Impact of Privatization of Solid Waste Management on the Zabaleen Garbage Collectors of Cairo.” Environment and Urbanization 17, no. 2 (2005): 155–170.
Fawaz, Mona. “Exceptions and the Actually Existing Practice of Planning: Beirut (Lebanon) as Case Study.” Urban Studies 54, no. 8 (2017): 1938–1955.
Foucault, Michel. “Of Other Spaces.” Diacritics 16, no. 1 (1986): 22–27.
Gregory, Derek. “The Biopolitics of Baghdad: Counterinsurgency and the Counter-City.” Human Geography 1, no. 1 (2008): 1–21.
Harb, Mona, and Lara Deeb. “Culture as History and Landscape: Hizbullah’s Efforts to Shape an Islamic Milieu in Lebanon.” Arab Studies Journal 19, no. 1 (2011): 12–45.
Hayden, Dolores. “What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work.” Signs 5, no. 3 (1980): 170–187.
Kanna, Ahmed. “Speaking of the City: Establishing Urban Expertise in the Arab Gulf.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 46, no. 1 (2014): 169–71.
Monroe, Kristin V. “Labor and the Urban Landscape: Mobility, Risk, and Possibility among Syrian Delivery Workers in Beirut.” Anthropology of Work Review 35, no. 2 (2014), 84–94.
Moser, Sarah, Marian Swain, and Mohammed H. Alkhabbaz. “King Abdullah Economic City: Engineering Saudi Arabia’s Post-Oil Future.” Cities 45 (June 2015): 71–80.
Ramadan, Adam. “From Tahrir to the World: The Camp as a Political Public Space.” European Urban and Regional Studies 20, no. 1 (2013): 145–49.
Salman, Lana. “What We Talk about When We Talk about Decentralization? Insights from Post-Revolution Tunisia.” L’Année du Maghreb 16 (2017): 91–108.
Vignal, Leila. “Destruction-in-Progress: Revolution, Repression and War Planning in Syria (2011 Onwards).” Built Environment 40, no. 3 (2014): 326–341.
Volait, Mercedes. “The Reclaiming of ‘Belle Époque’ Architecture in Egypt (1989–2010): On the Power of Rhetorics in Heritage-Making.” ABE Journal 3 (2013).
Yacobi, Haim, and Relli Shechter. “Rethinking Cities in the Middle East: Political Economy, Planning, and the Lived Space.” The Journal of Architecture 10, no. 5 (2005): 499–515.
[See more inside...]
Abasa, Myriam, Baudouin Dupret, and Eric Denis, eds. Popular Housing and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East: Case Studies from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Cairo: AUC Press, 2012.
Al-Nakib, Farah. Kuwait Transformed: A History of Oil and Urban Life. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016.
Barak, On. On Time: Technology and Temporality in Modern Egypt. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Bayat, Asef. Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East. Cairo: AUC Press, 2009.
Bet-Shlimon, Arbella. City of Black Gold: Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of Modern Kirkuk. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019.
Bogaert, Koenraad. Globalized Authoritarianism: Megaprojects, Slums, and Class Relations in Urban Morocco. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.
Bou Akar, Hiba. For the War Yet to Come: Planning Beirut’s Frontiers. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018.
Castells, Manuel. The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach. London: Edward Arnold, 1977.
Çelik, Zeynep. Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations Algiers Under French Rule. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
Clarno, Andy. Neoliberal Apartheid: Palestine/Israel and South Africa after 1994. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.
—. The Evolving Arab City: Tradition, Modernity and Urban Development. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Elyachar, Julia. Markets of Dispossession: NGOs, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
Fields, Gary. Enclosure: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017.
Ghannam, Farha. Remaking the Modern: Space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Günel, Gökçe. Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change, and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019.
Harb, Mona, and Sami Atallah, eds. Local Governments and Public Goods: Assessing Decentralization in the Arab World. Beirut: Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, 2015.
Harvey, David. The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
Kanna, Ahmed. Dubai: The City as Corporation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Lees, Loretta, Hyun Bang Shin, and Ernesto Lopez-Morales, eds. Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, 2014.
Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
Lorrain, Dominique, ed. Métropoles méditerranéennes: Gouverner par les rentes. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2017.
Mitchell, Timothy. Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Peteet, Julie. Space and Mobility in Palestine. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017.
Ramos, Stephen J. Dubai Amplified. The Engineering of a Port Geography. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2010.
Drieskens, Barbara, Franck Mermier, and Heiko Wimmen, eds. Cities of The South: Citizenship and Exclusion in the Twenty-First Century. Beirut: Saqi Books, 2007.
Dumper, Michael. Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History, and the Future of the Holy City. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
Elsheshtawy, Yasser, ed. Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle. New York, London: Routledge, 2010.
Raymond, André. The Great Arab Cities in the 16th–18th Centuries: An Introduction. New York: New York University Press, 1984.
Saliba, Robert, ed. Urban Design in the Arab World: Reconceptualizing Boundaries. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2015.
Sassen, Saskia. Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994.
Sharp, Deen, and Claire Panetta, eds. Beyond the Square: Urbanism and the Arab Uprisings. New York: Terreform, 2016.
Sims, David. Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City Out of Control. Cairo: AUC Press, 2010.
Singerman, Diane, ed. Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space and Global Modernity. Cairo: AUC Press, 2011.
Tonkiss, Fran. Space, the City and Social Theory: Social Relations and Urban Forms. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2005.
Totah, Faedah M. Preserving the Old City of Damascus. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2014.
Weizman, Eyal. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. London: Verso Books, 2012.
Wippel, Steffen, Katrin Bromber, Christian Steiner, and Birgit Krawietz, eds. Under Construction: Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2014.
Yacobi, Haim. The Jewish-Arab City: Spatio-Politics in a Mixed Community. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Book Chapters
Abu-Lughod, Janet. “Urbanization in the Arab World and the International System.” In The Urban Transformation of the Developing World, edited by Josef Gugler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
De Certeau, Michel. “Walking in the City.” In The Practice of Everyday Life, 91–110. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
Genberg, Daniel. “Borders and Boundaries in Post-war Beirut.” In Urban Ethnic Encounters: The Spatial Consequences, edited by Aygen Erdentug and Freek Colombijn, 81–96. London: Routledge, 2002.
Graham, Stephen. “Constructing Urbicide by Bulldozer in the Occupied Territories,” In Cities, War, and Terrorism: Towards an Urban Geopolitics, edited by Stephen Graham, 192–213. London: Blackwell, 2004.
Kanna, Ahmed. “Main Trends in Contemporary Urban Studies of the Middle East and North Africa.” In A Research Agenda for Cities, edited by John Rennie Short, 233–48. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.
Sennett, Richard. “The Classic Schools of Urban Studies: An Introduction.” In Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities, edited by Richard Sennett, 1–19. New York: Meredith Corporation, 1969.
Stadnicki, Roman. “Urban Activism in Egypt: Emergence and Trajectories since the 2011 Revolution.” In Divercities: Competing Narratives and Urban Practices in Beirut, Cairo, and Tehran, ed- ited by Monique Bellan and Nadia von Maltzahn. Beirut: Orient Institut Beirut, 2015.
Verdeil, Éric, and Joe Nasr. “Planning Histories in the Arab World.” In The Routledge Handbook of Planning History, edited by Carola Hein, 271–85. London: Routledge, 2017.
Journal Articles
Abourahme, Nasser, and Omar Jabary-Salamanca. “Thinking Against the Sovereignty of the Concept: A Conversation with Timothy Mitchell.” City 20, no. 5 (2016): 737–754.
Akgün, Aliye Ahu, and Tüzin Baycan. “Gated Communities in Istanbul: The New Walls of the City.” Town Planning Review 83, no. 1 (2012): 87–109.
Al-Nakib, Farah. “Kuwait’s Modern Spectacle: Oil Wealth and the Making of a New Capital City, 1950–90.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33, no. 1 (2013): 7–25.
Barthel, Pierre-Arnaud, ed. Special issue, “Arab Mega-Projects,” Built Environment 36, no. 2 (2010).
Boegaert, Koenraad. “New State Space Formation in Morocco: The Example of the Bouregreg Valley.” Urban Studies 49, no. 2 (2011): 255–270.
Bou Akar, Hiba. “Contesting Beirut’s Frontiers.” City and Society 24, no. 2 (2012): 150–172.
Elsheshtawy, Yasser. “Transitory Sites: Mapping Dubai’s ‘Forgotten’ Urban Spaces.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32, no. 4 (2008): 968–88.
Fahmi, Wael Salah. “The Impact of Privatization of Solid Waste Management on the Zabaleen Garbage Collectors of Cairo.” Environment and Urbanization 17, no. 2 (2005): 155–170.
Fawaz, Mona. “Exceptions and the Actually Existing Practice of Planning: Beirut (Lebanon) as Case Study.” Urban Studies 54, no. 8 (2017): 1938–1955.
Foucault, Michel. “Of Other Spaces.” Diacritics 16, no. 1 (1986): 22–27.
Gregory, Derek. “The Biopolitics of Baghdad: Counterinsurgency and the Counter-City.” Human Geography 1, no. 1 (2008): 1–21.
Harb, Mona, and Lara Deeb. “Culture as History and Landscape: Hizbullah’s Efforts to Shape an Islamic Milieu in Lebanon.” Arab Studies Journal 19, no. 1 (2011): 12–45.
Hayden, Dolores. “What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work.” Signs 5, no. 3 (1980): 170–187.
Kanna, Ahmed. “Speaking of the City: Establishing Urban Expertise in the Arab Gulf.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 46, no. 1 (2014): 169–71.
Monroe, Kristin V. “Labor and the Urban Landscape: Mobility, Risk, and Possibility among Syrian Delivery Workers in Beirut.” Anthropology of Work Review 35, no. 2 (2014), 84–94.
Moser, Sarah, Marian Swain, and Mohammed H. Alkhabbaz. “King Abdullah Economic City: Engineering Saudi Arabia’s Post-Oil Future.” Cities 45 (June 2015): 71–80.
Ramadan, Adam. “From Tahrir to the World: The Camp as a Political Public Space.” European Urban and Regional Studies 20, no. 1 (2013): 145–49.
Salman, Lana. “What We Talk about When We Talk about Decentralization? Insights from Post-Revolution Tunisia.” L’Année du Maghreb 16 (2017): 91–108.
Vignal, Leila. “Destruction-in-Progress: Revolution, Repression and War Planning in Syria (2011 Onwards).” Built Environment 40, no. 3 (2014): 326–341.
Volait, Mercedes. “The Reclaiming of ‘Belle Époque’ Architecture in Egypt (1989–2010): On the Power of Rhetorics in Heritage-Making.” ABE Journal 3 (2013).
Yacobi, Haim, and Relli Shechter. “Rethinking Cities in the Middle East: Political Economy, Planning, and the Lived Space.” The Journal of Architecture 10, no. 5 (2005): 499–515.
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